The Thief
I jumped out of bed, sweat covering me in a layer of sheen. Unable to sleep, I had been and turning in my bed for two hours. Thinking that a little water and air would do me some good, I got out of bed and went down the stairs. To my surprise, all the lights were switched off. Usually, my parents would leave the lamp under the stairs switched on, as I was a little scared o f the dark. Now with no light of the little light cast by the crescent moon up in the sky or the streetlight farther down the lane, I tiptoed to the lamp and I switched it on. The flicker of light surprised me , as it wa s a little sudden. Walking slowly to the kitchen with my hands clasped behind my back, I was again left astonished when I saw the ba ckdoor open , though just a little. A gentle breeze blew and the leaves rustled as if swaying to the rhythm. Closing the door, I was left perple...